The Doctor Says You Can Run Again. Now What? Part 4
Part 4: Allow Yourself to Have Moments of Wonder
This morning, I went for my usual run-walk. It went pretty well, and I was happy to notice that I’m definitely feeling stronger and building up more endurance.
I was doing my cool-down walk on an uphill stretch. I let my vision shift as I kept my eyes on the trees ahead, so I wouldn’t be tempted to look down and strain my neck. Suddenly I saw something completely unexpected—and completely amazing.
About 15 feet in front of me was a red-tailed hawk. It flew straight across my path and landed in a tree branch just off the walkway, with its back to me (and the sun).

Photo by Don DeBold (Flickr)
No one else was nearby, so this gift was for me alone. I stopped and stared in amazement. We have plenty of red-tails in New York City, including the famous Pale Male and his offspring, but I’d never seen one so close before. I don’t bring my iPhone when I run, so I had only this moment to see it.
Very quietly I stepped a little nearer to the tree branch. The red-tail just sat there, maybe catching its breath but definitely ignoring the alarm calls of the other smaller birds in the trees nearby. After a few moments, it settled down to eating its unfortunate breakfast. (Fortunately, I couldn’t see what it was.)
A long time ago, a running coach told me, “Runners see things that other people don’t.” I’ve never forgotten her words, and I think of them whenever I see or hear something unusual or especially beautiful—the morning star, trees and flowers, a chorus of birds.
This is why we run.
Has anyone out there had similar experiences? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Meanwhile, happy running!
The Doctor Says You Can Run Again. Now What? Part 4 — No Comments