Best wishes to everyone for a happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are celebrating with family and friends.
I’m sure lots of you are cooking, baking, and/or traveling, so I’ll keep this short.
I’m grateful for every step I run. I try to discover something new every time I get out there, or even on the treadmill.

I’m grateful for seeing the seasons change, even when it’s extremely cold or hot.
I’m grateful for that glow of pride and satisfaction when I’m done, knowing that I’ve accomplished something and enjoying how my lungs feel full of air.
I’m grateful for that Thanksgiving morning run, knowing that I’ve earned my dinner!
I could list lots of other things, but I’d rather ask you to take time and pause. Think about what you’re thankful for about running—or about anything else in your life, for that matter.
Please feel free to send me any questions you might have. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
AND if you don’t want to miss my next blog on how to get fit and stay happily fit, sign up on my mailing list to get it by e-mail the moment I publish it.
Meanwhile, happy Thanksgiving—and happy running!
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